

The office of 学生生活 is dedicated to providing student involvement and leadership opportunities that enhance the college experience and prepare students to contribute a diverse, 充满活力的全球社会.


•	学生会联合会(学生会)
•	文化 & 社区中心
•	可持续发展资源中心
•	国际俱乐部理事会
•	奇科中心学生休息室

•	学生活动卡制作
•	派发学生手册
•	海报的批准
•	一般校园活动支持



文化学生助理 & 社区中心的费用由学生权益基金支付.

数额: 0.00
用于预定目的: 是的

学生助理帮助为学生提供一个安全、温馨的校园空间.  文化 & 社区中心提供项目, 活动和休息室设置为所有的学生, 专门针对那些因种族而被边缘化的学生, 种族, 性取向, 性别和/或能力.  




  1. SLO:  了解学生生活计划以及如何获得参与机会.

反射 - We assess student understanding of our programs and how to access involvement annually at the Spring Spectacular event in May.  我们发现数据表明,这些年来学生的理解力在提高.  然而, 我们知道我们可以做得更好,并计划明年加大营销和公关力度.  我们希望在全年推广/教育更多,并采用多种方式.


  1. SLO:  Students involved in leadership roles in the 学生生活 department understand their personal leadership style, 群体发展的阶段, 以及如何影响组织变革.

反射 -我们对学生干部进行了事前和事后评估.  We give the pre test at the start of the summer Leadership Academy and the post test at the end of their term (usually 1 year).  我们的研究结果表明,即使学生了解了他们的领导风格, 小组阶段和变化, 我们不会在他们整个学期继续学习这些科目.  Our goal next year is to develop a plan to integrate their learning throughout their term (multiple sessions and in multiple modalities) and not just at the beginning in a concentrated training.




我们部门关注的是用户粘性和留存率.  通过AS, 学生大使计划, CCC, SRC, 20多个俱乐部, these opportunities help students feel more connected to the college 和更多的 supported as they puruse their academic goals. 



2. 支持学生,教师和员工的成功

-通过学生领导的机会帮助学生与校园社区建立联系 & 通过俱乐部和校园活动和研讨会.


-We encourage collabroation in campus decision-making by supporting students to servce on campus committees.


5.  建模的可持续性

-通过研讨会提供可持续发展领域的教育机会, 演讲嘉宾和校园活动,包括关注气候变化的主题, 减少废物, 环境管理和水资源保护.

-We model sustainability in the SRC and in the 学生生活 office by purchasing green office products, 回收, 减少能源需求, 购买健康食品, 注意我们的浪费.


5.  加强包容性文化

-透过工作坊提升包容性文化, 演讲嘉宾和校园活动,包括关注多样性的主题, 股本, 文化意识, 遗产月, 和更多的.

-我们通过雇佣多元化的学生员工,在CCC和学生生活办公室中树立包容性的榜样, 为员工提供多元化培训, 模拟代词的使用, 支持包容性政策和程序, 和更多的.



推荐# 1: 为文化和社区中心以及可持续发展资源中心增加长期工作人员.  而不是增加固定员工, 实际上,我们正在把CCC的管理权移交给学生权益办公室.  We will continue to run the SRC in the same way we have been operating - with student assistants as the lounge monitors & 客户服务人员和学生生活专业人员负责编程工作.

推荐# 2: Continue to explore ways to increase student awareness of the role the AS plays on campus and the opportunities available for student participation/representation. We have explored and implemented several strategies to increase student awareness of the role the AS plans on campus and the opportunities available for student participation and representation. 包括:社交媒体, 在线选举, 校园电视的使用, 宣传材料专业化. 这也是我们最新开发的学生学习成果之一.

推荐# 3: Develop and administer surveys or other tools that measure student awareness of participation in AS sponsored activities, 以及as运行中心/设施的利用率. We have developed and administered surveys and other evaluation tools to measure student awareness of and participation in 学生生活 sponsored activities and related centers. 包括每年春季调查, 十大网赌正规平台反馈表, 活动参与者反馈调查, 俱乐部成员和俱乐部顾问调查, 学生学习成果评估.


1.  Increase student preparation and participation in participatory governance and campus leadership to support the strategic directions for the college.


2. 增加学生对学生组织的参与,提高学生的参与度, 保留, 支持和归属感.


策略一-扩大AS的招聘、资源和培训 & 国际商会官员及学生大使

Expand outreach and promotion efforts to attract and retain excellent student leaders to fulfill positions on the AS board and the Student Ambassador Program including.  Will also expand resources and training for new student leaders including: expand AS fall retreat to include more practical skills, 为错过预定培训的学生创建在线培训教程, and conduct pre- and post-surveys to determine what resources and training have been helpful and what else is needed for students to be successful.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


AS的学生领袖和学生大使计划代表了9个以上的学生,000 students through managing budgets (from student fees) and participating on decisions making committees that influence policies and procedures at the college.  They should be well prepared and confident in their ability to fulfill their positions and responsibilities.  


策略二-拓展外展及资源,为学生组织提供培训.e. 俱乐部).

校园俱乐部是校园里一个巨大的资源. 这是一个专注的学生池,我们可以进一步发展,以增加他们的学术研究.  There are many challenges we face on how to provide training and resources to a group of students that are already busy.  目前我们每个月与国米俱乐部理事会举行两次会议, 大约有25-35个扶轮社出席这些会议.  我们愿意提供额外的培训,以进一步发展所包括的俱乐部, 但不限于:在线培训模块, 年度领导会议, 撤退, 以及硬拷贝资源, 等.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


By providing club members with additional training and resources we are contributing to the college standards and goals of completion and persistence.  This will give students additional experiences outside the classroom that they can use on 转移 applications and further developing their skills in the subject area.


策略3 -创建一个基本需求干预 & 支持中心

创建一个基本需求干预项目来解决问题为学生提供稳定的食物、住房和学术资源. This partnership between the Office of Retention and the Associated Students will work to meet the basic needs of students who are facing food, 住房和整体财务不安全,以增加学生的保留和学生的成功.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Butte College students struggle with meeting their basic needs including finding and navigating resources (on campus and in the community) available to them. 帮助他们, 需要一个中心位置,学生可以方便地获得服务和信息. 通过发展一个中心地点的模式,以获得基本需要的服务, students will be able to discuss and secure their basic needs without having to go to several locations on campus to access services.




Secure meeting space for about 35-50 people in a U shape or Circle for bi-monthly 国际俱乐部理事会 and AS meetings.  目前,我们使用的是SAS三楼的会议室.  我们希望得到保证,我们将继续在校园里有一个见面的空间.


Secure location/room for a Basic Needs Center to provide information and support for studetnts facing insecurity with housing, 食物和学生供应资源. 




每天主校区和奇科中心的学生都要支付18美元的学生活动费.  这笔费用每学年产生大约30万美元的预算.

所有学生都要支付2美元的律师费.  $1 goes to the state to support SSCCC the other $1 supports representation of students at the local and state level.  这将产生大约20美元的收益,000每学年, 这些资金在使用上是高度重新划分的, 主要用于培训学生政府官员和为州代表旅行.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 学生生活办公室 人员 $0.00 $39,428.00
特别节目文员(60%) Butte College students struggle with meeting their basic needs including finding and navigating resources (on campus and in the community) available to them. 帮助他们, 需要一个中心位置,学生可以方便地获得服务和信息. 通过发展一个中心地点的模式,以获得基本需要的服务, students will be able to discuss and secure their basic needs without having to go to several locations on campus to access services. *Information will also be replicated on-line (and hosted on Canvas or on the college's website) and a smaller information center will be replicated in the AS run Student Lounge at the Chico Center.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
2 学生生活办公室 人员 $0.00 $15,590.00
学生助理(每周30小时) Butte College students struggle with meeting their basic needs including finding and navigating resources (on campus and in the community) available to them. 帮助他们, 需要一个中心位置,学生可以方便地获得服务和信息. 通过发展一个中心地点的模式,以获得基本需要的服务, students will be able to discuss and secure their basic needs without having to go to several locations on campus to access services. *Information will also be replicated on-line (and hosted on Canvas or on the college's website) and a smaller information center will be replicated in the AS run Student Lounge at the Chico Center.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
3 学生生活办公室 营业费用 $0.00 $10,000.00
扶轮社顾问津贴 When the district was facing budget cuts it was asked of the 学生生活办公室 to to help reduce the cuts by providing $10,以补充俱乐部顾问的工会合同津贴. The office of student life now finds itself in the same situation and would like to discontinue the contribution to club advisor stipends in order to help balance our own budget which is dwindling due to low enrollment.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标